Saturday, January 22, 2005
Well I have finally gotten over my holiday spirit and am now back to normal.
This year the holiday spirit brought fevers that lasted for over a week along with uncontrollable coughing spasms that lasted until you would almost pass out from lack of oxygen.
In the middle of the sickness we got to enjoy a snow storm that dumped a record amount of snow on the ground which led to ice dams on the roof which turned into water leaking through the roof into the house.
This was soon followed by an exploding toilet ( it didn't really explode, but it might as well have ) that and backing up into the floor and tub drain. Since running a snake through it seemed to do no good whatsoever it was decided that I needed to shove the snake down through the vent stack to see if it was clogged. Now remember, Snow, melting, freezing, drizzling rain, dark, I've got a fever going on, dizzy from the fever, and it is cold..... So right up on the roof I go.
No, I didn't fall off and break my neck or any othe appendages either.
The next day it was decided that sometime during the daylight hours it would be a good I dea to dig up the cleanout plug so we could get the snake through it that way. Only problem with that plan was that I have no idea as to the location of said cleanout plug. Through the art of dead reckoning and sheer dumb luck about thirty inches deep I hit sewer pipe and about four feet longer with the trench found the cleanout plug. Not too bad for digging by hand, in the rain, with a fever, and coughing till I almost pass out, and blowing my nose every 5 seconds.
Of course when I opened up the plug I was greeted by a completely empty sewer pipe running to the road.
After several hours, days, weeks, I dunno how long..... It was decided that maybe a real professional plumber with big heavy duty equipment would be usefull.....
Guess what! He got a very large wad of roots out of the toilet drain that might have been the problem.
All better now though.
Today the water heater element burnt out while my son was taking a shower but that is a story for another day.